Elders and mission

This part of the course explores what mission means; how mission is actually God’s agenda and how the spirit can support and define mission, for us as individuals, and for the wider church.

8. Exploring options for my church

 think about icon Use your reflections from the Holy Habits exercise to help you open your mind to things that your church may not have done before.  It may be that God is challenging your church to take forward different kinds of ministry to meet particular local needs. For example, is your church being called to take forward healing ministry? 

  • to be a ‘bread church’? 
  • to take forward a mission of prayer? 
  • to become a spiritual centre for the community? 
  • to be a centre for youth and children’s outreach? 
  • to take forward a Street Pastor role? 
Or perhaps all of these in some form?

Because it ‘hasn’t been done here before’, does not mean God isn’t calling you to new ways of delivering mission.  This sense of change has been evident during the pandemic of 2020.  No longer able to meet, churches have embraced technology in an unprecedented way.  Some churches have reported member numbers growing in terms of attendance at virtual services.  Others have said there has been a significant increase in the role of prayer and spirituality.  God will always move his mission forward – but we need to listen and act!