Find out more about the courses and resources available in the Learning Hub
Following an update to the learning hub, there may be some issues or errors with the look and functionality of the site. We are working on sorting these out but in the meantime, if you find anything odd, please notify us at stepwise@urc.org.uk
For more information about what’s available here and how to access these resources please visit the Take a Look… pages.
Some of the courses are open-access and available to all. e.g Exploring Eldership, Safeguarding and Conversation Starters You DO NOT need to be registered on the Hub to access these resources.
Others are available to those who are registered in the Hub, e.g. Planning Your Learning. If you wish to access these programmes then please contact us using the email address below.
Some of the resources are specifically for those already enrolled in certain programmes, e.g. Stepwise and the Church Leadership Programme. Further information about these courses and how to enrol can be found in the Take a Look… pages.
If you are already registered in the Hub please login by clicking here or use the 'login' button at the upper right-hand corner of your screen and follow the onscreen prompts.
If you are interested in Stepwise – contact
For all other programmes – contact learninghub@urc.org.uk
Once registered you will be able to return and log in here. Thank you
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Find out more about the courses and resources available in the Learning Hub
A course for Elders, and those considering becoming Elders, in the United Reformed Church.
Click here to find out more
Training developed for all Church Safeguarding Coordinators particularly if you are new in the role.
An open-access course designed for those who have already completed professional training in safeguarding within the last three years.
A foundation level safeguarding awareness course open to all.
Click here to find out more
Conversation Starters are resources designed to get you talking, acting and praying about some of the important issues in the church today.
Faith-filled Life is the first stream in the Stepwise programme.
This is the revised version of the stream which has been available since Sept 2021
Faith-fuelled Leadership is a stream in the Stepwise programme
Faith-filled Worship - a stream in the Stepwise programme
Faith-filled Community is a stream in the Stepwise programme
Training Material for those who take part in the Ministerial Discipline (Section O) process
Guidance for design teams on preparing content for Hub courses and prgrammes
EM2 is the Education for
Ministry Phase 2 period of learning for Ministers of Word and Sacraments and
Church Related Community Workers in the United Reformed Church. The
programme is arranged over three years, with three core sources of support -
your EM2 Pastoral Advisor, your Synod Training Officer or other EM2 Officer and
the Assembly arranged programme. More details are in the EM2 Guidelines
This programme includes all kinds of resources available to support those offering Training and Development and includes material previously published as the 'Training Officers Manual'