Elders and mission

This part of the course explores what mission means; how mission is actually God’s agenda and how the spirit can support and define mission, for us as individuals, and for the wider church.

10. Taking things further - new

taking it further icon  How can I find out more?

Video and online resources

 video icon   
Doing a Community audit (from Stepwise): What is a Community Audit?

Why is knowing a community important? (from Stepwise and Northern Synod): Being Good News in the Community

Fresh Expressions of Church: https://freshexpressions.org.uk/

Fresh Expressions Resources: https://fxresourcing.org/

read this icon

Neil Hudson (2012) – Imagine Church – Inter-Varsity Press

Dave Male (2016) – How to Pioneer: a five step guide to getting started – Church House Publishing

Mike Moynagh (2014) – Being Church, Doing Life - SPCK

Mark Greene (2014) – Fruitfulness on the Front Line: making a difference where you are - IVP

Biblical resource
bible study iconBible study - Matthew 14: 13 - 22 (opens in a new window and can be downloaded)